
Project: A Drop of Life (Una goccia di vita)

Hotel Milano Scala supports the activities of AMREF!

In line with the mission of sustainability and ethical responsibility that Hotel Milano Scala promotes since his opening, it was decided in 2013 to support the activities of AMREF – African Medical & Research Foundation for the construction of a giant well in Kenya.

HMS is the first Urban Oasis Hotel, the first hotel in Milan with Zero Emission that draws the required energy for underground water heating and cooling.

This virtuous use, this environmental benefit obtained by the availability of water, has led us to want to help those who do not have this good, and its deprivation is cause of backwardness and hard survival of large communities.

AMREF is a ONLUS always committed to bring aid to Central Africa countries and will achieve through our
contribution, equal to the donation of 1 euro for each night of stay of our guests during 2013, a giant well in Kenya that will benefit and life to a community of over 200 people.

Discover our green philosophy

Hotel Milano Scala: its green and sustainable commitment goes on, for Milan and its tourism

“We need virtuous examples such as Hotel Milano Scala’s, which, in addition to confirming itself an excellence in sustainability, has decided to support 'Milan for Trees', the fundraiser we opened…

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Cena con vista a 360° sullo skyline di Milano nel rinnovato Sky Terrace Ristorante al Hotel Milano Scala

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Dinner with a 360° panoramic view upon the city? On Sky Terrace Restaurant & Bar at Hotel Milano Scala

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Teatro alla Scala reopens, Chailly directs

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